Due to demand, I've posted the midi dump program written and given to me by Tony Bywaters. Click on the zip icon to download the program. There is no help function or manual, so the instructions are posted below. This is text copied directly from the original email he sent me. This is for PC only. Download S750_SampleDump.zip



OK I've zipped it all up for you.. here's what you need to do (There is no manual !!)

  1. If you've ever done midi sample dumps before you'll know it's a painfully slow process. I just sent a 454KB file.. which took 5 minutes !!
  2. You will need 2 way midi connections between your PC and S750.
  3. Start with an empty sampler.
  4. You may want to create a shortcut to the Dumper for your start menu or whatever.
  5. Run the program.
  6. First, set up the correct midi input and output ports. A preferences file will be created so you don't have to do this everytime. The prog will remember the settings next time you use it.
  7. Resize the window to a comfortable size ..the red area is a crude waveform display.
  8. Zoom in/out by left/right clicking on it.
  9. Press the "Send" button and you'll get a file selector.
  10. Find the file "CuteLoopedMono.wav" and select it. You'll get a message telling you how long it will take to send the sample. Click OK.
  11. The S750 screen should tell you "sample dump receiving".
  12. The sample is stored in the S750 in the first free slot (1).

If the sample contained a Loop start/end point, this is converted to the roland format, and should be retained in the sample once received.

If the sample was stereo, it is first converted to two mono files, then sent over. Midi sample dump doesn't cater for stereo dumps.

If the above didn't work check the S750 is set up to receive Sysex Dumps etc. Device and channel on mine are set to 1 and it works fine like that.

You can drag a wavefile from any window onto the "Wave Display" in the dumper, and it should send automatically (after the send/cancel message). Actually.. you can drag a bunch of 'em.. mixed mono/stereo if you're brave enough. Don't overdo it though.. I'm not a professional programmer. I just knock these things up for my own use. Works OK here with quite a few files at once.. but occationally I have to reboot the program if I use it for too long.

Once you've sent the sampler a few samples, you can try the "Create partials" button. This will create partials either for ALL samples currently
in the S750, or for just those samples sent since you run the program depending on the tick box "Partials for all samples".
If the samples were originally mono, the partial created will be panned center. If stereo, the 2 wavs that were sent are panned L/R in the partial. However there is no way over midi to set the "Set Stereo" command.. so you'll have to do this manually. What this command does is to phase lock the Left and Right sides when you play the sample. Also it causes the S750 to treat the pair as a stereo file when editing. To do this (in the S750 from the play page) for each stereo sample go to Mode.. Sound.. Edit sample 1 and find the Left sample for the pair.Hit the Com menu and select "Set Stereo". Then select the correct left and right samples and hit execute.

The "Refresh sample list" button just reads what samples are currently in the sampler. This is normally done automatically when you send or get a sample.

The "Get" button gets the sample number set in the "Get sample number" selector from the S750, and when received, allows you to save it as a wav file to your PC. This is Mono only. You can, of course, use Wavelab or similar to put the samples back into stereo if you want.

As I never got many takers for this program (only two that let me know they were using it) I never really "polished it off" and you will notice some strange messages at times. Please ignore these.. they are to help me if things go wrong.

Wave files are not a simple standard. Many have different length headers etc and it took a while to get it working with all the wav files I had.
You may, however find some that just won't go. That's just bad luck I'm affraid.. but if you edit the wav in Soundforge or Wavelab, and save with a new name, normally they'll go OK.

Finally.. there is a bug in the S750 that causes the first sample it receives over midi to have a single sample "spike" right at the beginning. This can easily be put right in the sampler by editing it out.. and all other samples are always fine. This is not my program doing this it happens whenever you send a sample dump to an empty S750. Dunno why and impossible to work around in the coding of the dumper prog. One way around this, is to send the test file CuteLoopedMono.wav (which is short) to the sampler first if it is empty. Leave it there and do the rest of your dumping, then remove it later if you need to.

Good Luck !!!
Long live the S750!!!!
Let me know how you get on !

Feel free to pass it on to anybody that needs it. It's "shareware".. sort of.. If you use it a lot .. and if it saves you some money or hassle.. send me something in return. £10 would be nice.. and pass it around...with a copy of these instructions. But I won't beg. Just keep my email address and if you ever feel the urge to be nice to somebody send me an email and I'll tell you my postal address !!

It took at least 2 months to do this thing.
So Please let me know if it
works OK for you. If so, maybe I'll push it
again on the freeware sites /
S750 user group etc.

Thanks for your interest Gaffa.
(You in the UK??).